Province Invests in Largest Indigenous-led Energy Project in Ontario History

The province has announced the advancement of the largest Indigenous-led and most far-reaching transmission grid connection project in Ontario history. The government is focused on building for the future — that is why we are building out the electrical grid to support economic growth and unlock the full potential of the North. 

The government is ensuring that 18,000 people in 16 remote Indigenous communities are connected to Ontario’s clean, reliable, and affordable energy grid. Once complete, the Wataynikaneyap Power Transmission Project will displace 6.6 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually, equivalent to taking almost 35,000 cars off the road, and end the community’s reliance on costly diesel. It’s estimated that roughly $1 billion will be avoided over the next forty years by not having to purchase diesel. 

Under Premier Ford, the government is committed to supporting the expansion of clean, reliable, and affordable energy that drives economic growth and improves the quality of life and environment of remote communities across Ontario. 

News Releases;

En: Largest Indigenous-led Energy Project

Fr: Le plus grand projet énergétique mené par des autochtones