Ontario Making Historic Investment to Build New Schools

The Ontario government is investing a historic $1.3 billion to support 60 new school construction and school expansions across the province. For the first time in Ontario history, the government is doubling the funding commitment to build more schools and expansions, making this the single largest investments ever to get more shovels in the ground.

While the previous Liberal government put families at a disadvantage by closing over 600 schools across the province, our government is taking action to ensure that students are learning in modern, state-of-the-art classrooms, and that fast-growing communities can quickly build the new schools in half the time. 

These changes are part of the government’s strategy to ensure that the public education system focuses on what matters most: important life-long skills such as reading, writing and math; improving accountability on school boards; and building more schools, faster. 

News Releases;

En: New Schools

Fr: Nouvelles écoles