Ontario Launches First New University Nursing Program in 20 Years

The government is continuing to build a stronger health care workforce by establishing a new Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Carleton University in Ottawa. This program will be the first new, university-based nursing program in Ontario in 20 years, graduating over 200 new nurses each year, helping to maintain and expand the province’s nursing workforce.

Starting in September 2025, Carleton University will offer a new, direct entry, compressed three-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program. The first class of up to 110 nursing students will be ready to practice as registered nurses by 2029. This new program will continue to grow to enroll more than 200 each year by 2030, building on the province’s work to date to grow the health care workforce by adding 6,500 new spaces in Ontario’s nursing programs over the last three years.

News Releases:

En: New Nursing Program

Fr: Nouveau programme de soins infirmiers