Ontario Introducing Mandatory Black History Learning

As we celebrate February as Black History Month, today, Minister Lecce, Minister Ford, Minister Williams, PA Barnes, and MPP David Smith announced for the first time that Canadian Black History will be mandated for Grade 7, 8, and 10 students.

Students will learn about the important contributions and achievements of Black Canadians, with an emphasis on educating students on the critical role Black individuals made to the country, both before and after confederation. 

Minister Lecce also unveiled Ontario’s requirement that all curriculum must undergo modernization no later than every five years. Our government also announced additional curriculum modernization for September 2024 to include:

  • Technological Education, Grade 9 & 10
  • Business Studies, Grade 9 & 10
  • Geography, Grade 9 & 10
  • Career Studies, Grade 10
  • English, Grade 9

Today’s announcement is a critical step to empower Ontario students in today’s fast-moving economy while modernizing Ontario’s curriculum and ensure students are equipped with the necessary knowledge and tools to take on the jobs of the future.

News Releases;

En: Black History Learning

Fr: Apprendre l’histoire des Noirs